Gwlad ddïeithr oddi cartref

(Erfyniad am nodded Duw)
Gwlad ddïeithr oddi cartref,
  Ardal bell o dŷ fy Nuw,
Yn mhlith lluoedd o elynion
  Chwerw, atgas, 'r wyf yn byw;
    Pawb yn ceisio
  Cael fy mhen o dàn eu traed.

Minnau weithiau'n digaloni,
  Minnau weithiau'n ymgryfhau,
Weithiau'n ofni croesau trymion,
  Weithiau'n ofni
      grym fy mai;
    Bydd dy Hunan
  Imi'n gyfaill, O! fy Nuw!

Safed haul uwch ben Gibeon,
  Safed lleuad yn y ne',
Safed sêr, a'r holl blanedau,
  'N llonydd heddyw yn eu lle,
    Cyn y collo
  F'enaid gwàn baradwys well.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [878747]:
Ardudwy (John Roberts 1822-77)
Hyder (Richard Ellis 1775-1855)

(Entreaty for God's protection)
A strange land away from home,
  A region far from my God's house,
Amongst hosts of bitter,
  Loathsome enemies I am living;
    Everyone trying
  To get my head under their feet.

I sometimes losing heart,
  I sometimes growing strong,
Sometimes fearing heavy crosses,
  Sometimes fearing the
      strength of my fault;
    Be thou Thyself
  To me a friend, O my God!

Let the sun stand above Gibeon,
  Let the moon stand in heaven,
Let stars stand, and all the planets,
  Still today in their place,
    Before my weak
  Soul lose a better paradise.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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